Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Little Monkey

For those of you who don't know, Jonathan takes gymnastics. He's getting to be pretty good, and we seem to find him upside down on the monkey bars rather frequently. They are starting to learn front and back handsprings right now, and he's very excited about it!

Here's a shot of the kids enjoying the potions lab we set up. We labeled the bottles with different types of potions and ingredients from the Harry Potter books and used a variety of citrus-flavored koolaids and pop (with some food coloring to add interest). The kids thought it was great! We even had a large pot of Squirt with a block of dry ice to make it look like a real potion.

Here are some pictures of the awesome cake my mom made for Jonathan's party! (It looks just like Hogwarts, huh?)

Jonathan's Birthday

We took Jonathan to his favorite restaurant, Red Robin, for his birthday. Unlike most adults, Jonathan actually LIKES it when all the servers come over and sing to him!